Select multiple employees for a shift with the same start and end times
When you roster 5 employees for a shift on Monday from 9 am to 5 pm, you should be able to add a shift to a day, choose the position, choose the start and end times of the shift, then select all 5 staff you want to work that shift at once.
Currently you have to click the + to add a shift, choose the start and end times of the shift, then select position, then select the staff, then update, then click the + to add a shift, then select position, then select the staff, then update, then click the + to add a shift, then select position, then select the staff, then update, then click the + to add a shift, then select position, then select the staff, then update, then click the + to add a shift, then select position, then select the staff, then update, etc. It becomes a bit boring.
Comments: 4
22 Nov, '22
Dylan Halliday AdminThanks for your great suggestion, it's now been added to our feature request board. We actively review the most useful and more popular requests on a regular basis for our developers to consider, so we appreciate the time taken to add your request. Remember to keep adding suggestions and vote/comment on existing suggestions if you like other peoples requests.
17 Apr, '23
CurtisHi Dylan,
I received a messaging saying that there would be updates to the RosterElf system that will make it easier and may remove the need for my above suggestion.
There hasn't been any update to make rostering easier in the recent UI update.
RosterElf has filled a need for my business so I do not wish to be too harsh or negative, but currently the most frustrating, difficult to use, user-unfriendly part of RosterElf is rostering.
Could you add the ability to import .xlsx or .csv rosters?
The value added by the ability to import rosters would actually increased time saved! -
19 Dec, '23
Simon AdminHi Curtis, I have sent this to our Customer Success team to reach out as confident new release can handle most of your requirements above.
11 Sept
SamRegarding this feature request, a specific use-case our team has where this feature would be very helpful is all-staff meetings.
Typically, these meetings occur between 5pm-6pm. We identify these meetings in the roster by adding them as an additional shift.
All staff have the same start/finish time. If a meeting runs long, typically this means all staff have their finish time adjusted by the same amount.
Edit: I'll caveat my comment by noting that the shift 'Copy/Paste' feature is brilliant and goes a long way to solving for this request.