Select multiple employees for a shift with the same start and end times

45 votes

When you roster 5 employees for a shift on Monday from 9 am to 5 pm, you should be able to add a shift to a day, choose the position, choose the start and end times of the shift, then select all 5 staff you want to work that shift at once.

Currently you have to click the + to add a shift, choose the start and end times of the shift, then select position, then select the staff, then update, then click the + to add a shift, then select position, then select the staff, then update, then click the + to add a shift, then select position, then select the staff, then update, then click the + to add a shift, then select position, then select the staff, then update, then click the + to add a shift, then select position, then select the staff, then update, etc. It becomes a bit boring.

Requested Roster Suggested by: Curtis Upvoted: 25 Sept Comments: 4

Comments: 4